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    海天盛宴 韦口 国语

    分类:八戒.八戒电影 韩国  2024 


    导演:盛宴 韦口 




    海天盛宴 韦口 国语剧情介绍:

    Forthwith uprose great Ajax the son of Telamon,as also mighty Diomed son of Tydeus. When they had put on their armour each on his own side of the ring, they both went into the middle eager to engage,and with fire flashing from their eyes. The Achaean marvelled as they beheld them, and when the two were now close up with one another, thrice did they spring forward and thrice try to strike each other in close combat. Ajax pierced Diomed's round shield, but did not draw blood, for the cuirass beneath the shield protected him; thereon the son of Tydeus from over his huge shield kept aiming continually at Ajax's neck with the point of his spear, and the Achaeans alarmed for his safety bade them leave off fighting and divide the prize between them. Achilles then gave the great sword to the son of Tydeus, with its scabbard, and the leathern belt with which to hang it.

    相关影视:海天盛宴 韦口 国语


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